10 Pest Control Tips For Your Home

There are 3 things that pests have in common, which bring them to your house. They need shelter, water, and food. As long as these 3 conditions are met in your home, you will have a pest problem. If you remove any of them from the equation, you will create an imbalance and the pests will look for another place. This is the method that exterminator Mobile AL service providers use to remove pests from your home without using harmful products.

It’s also important that you do all you can to make your home uninhabitable for pests.

The following are some simple tips that can assist you accordingly:

Stacking Materials

Never stack building materials or anything else against your home’s foundation. Wood-destroying pests will feed off them and find their way into your home. If you notice any gaps in your foundation, seal them immediately.

Regular Inspection

Take time and inspect the roof from time to time. If you notice leaks, fix them as soon as possible. The gutters and downspouts must also be in proper working condition. Ensure the splash pipes move water as far away from the foundation as possible.


All garbage containers must have tight covers. They should also be kept as far from the premise as possible. Also, make sure that these containers are emptied often.

Standing Water

Never allow standing water to stay in containers or unused pots in the compound for a long time because it can become an easy breeding ground for pests. If there are old tires in your compound, take them to the dumps.


You have to make sure that you prune the trees in your compound. Do not have their leaves or branches close to your walls, porch or garage. Trim the trees accordingly to ensure proper circulation around the house.


This is another target for pests. Ensure you do not have standing water adjacent to the foundation or crawlspace. Clear the standing water as soon as you can. You can also install a French drain where necessary.


One of the areas that you should pay attention to when it comes to pest control Mobile alabama is ventilation. Ensure the vents are cleared and air can move around freely. In case the ground is damp, you can have a vapor barrier installed to reduce the amount of moisture in the air.

Food Debris

The food preparation areas must be cleaned as soon as you finish cooking. All the pans, pots, dishes should be cleaned, rinsed and stored away. Food should be kept in their original containers, refrigerator or containers with tight lids.

Pet Food

Do not leave your pet food outside all the time. You should also consider training your pet to have meals once or twice a day, or at specific intervals when you can clean up after them.

Professional Support

In case you are still unable to keep pets outside your home, get in touch with pest control Mobile AL experts. You can try as much as you can, but there are situations where you will need to hire an expert. Take, for example, a region-wide pest infestation. You should make sure that the company you consult has valid certification.