Cleaning White Floors With Baking Soda, Ammonia and Vinegar

White flooring reflects light, adding a airy glow to kitchens, however, the same quality which makes white flooring stand out requires cautious maintenance: the whiteness. Dirt contrasts with white flooring, however when removing dirt, harsh cleaners, such as patching, mar delicate surfaces, especially white marble floors. For common flooring types, like ceramic tile, vinyl or linoleum, a solution of apple cider vinegar and water conquers the dirt, using white vinegar supplying a stronger disinfectant. A baking soda mixture serves as a spot cleaner.

White Porcelain Tile Floor

Keep the organic gleam from the moisture-resistant topcoat of a white ceramic flooring with environmentally friendly methods. Prepare the surface of white ceramic flooring using a broom, bristle brush or vacuum; subsequently immerse your mop in a mixture of 2 gallons of water and 1/4 cup of vinegar, excluding the ammonia. After washing the ground, a paste with baking soda and vinegar helps eliminate dirt from aloe pores.

White Linoleum or Vinyl

Restore the shine of flooring in white vinyl or linoleum using a cleaning mixture that uses the same proportions of water and vinegar, but without any ammonia; it still causes cracking in vinyl surfaces. For a contemporary kitchen with slick and shiny finishes, like chrome fixtures and glass countertops, add a small drop of baby oil to restore the glow of white, white vinyl or linoleum floors, making the flooring shine as brightly as some other surfaces.

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