Which Will Be the Seed Pods on My Pink Oleander?

Berries, nuts and cones — all are examples of the plants reproduce the seeds which ensure reproduction. One of them, the capsule, or seed pod, is one of the most basic, and oleanders are no exception. Like all types, seeds are uncommon on pink oleanders. When they do appear, the pods that are easy, efficient protect their precious freight before the seeds are ready for harvesting or carrying off to start still another generation.


The oleander (Nerium oleander) is an especially sturdy evergreen shrub, adaptable to hot, dry areas and marshy conditions. Grown in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 10, it’s omnipresent in California and Texas due to its ability to withstand drought conditions and heavy winds. Oleanders reach up to 12 feet tall with a diameter. Trained as trees, while dwarf oleanders are usually 4 or 3 feet tall, they could grow to be 20 feet tall. Oleanders create flowers in a range of colors, from light red and pink. Among the numerous cultivars of pink oleander are Calypso, apple blossom Pink Hawaii and Rosario.

Seed Pods

As an apple tree produces apples in the center, the oleander’s”berry” is a long, skinny capsule resembling a finger-like bean which also comprises seeds. The pods grow in pairs at the summer and fall seasons and ripen throughout this time, turning brown as they grow. Now, unless harvested, they split open and release seeds that were tufted which settle on the ground and, if conditions are right, germinate. Do not prune off dead flowers if seeds are needed as the pods develop out of blooms for harvesting.

Harvesting and Germinating Seeds

If you would like to propagate an oleander using its seeds, harvest the pods before they start to split , although after they dry out and turn brown. When germinating, utilize dirt which allows for good drainage, such as a cactus mix with some moss added right into it. The seeds must be covered with a thin layer of soil and kept moist under a light or from light in 68 degrees Fahrenheit for the best outcomes. Germination normally takes two weeks for a month, but in some cases can take up to 90 days. When seedlings have generated two sets of true leaves, they may be transferred to pots.


As with all other areas of the pods the oleander and the seeds they contain are poisonous to animals and humans and should not be eaten. Managing the plant could also lead to the skin irritation or dermatitis, so wearing long sleeves and using gloves when harvesting is recommended. The scent of oleander flowers may cause distress in some individuals, so use caution if you have a fragrant variety.

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